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The Political Sage Headline Animator

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Dear Mr. President; Thank You.

My Tribute to Our 43rd President, and the Man, George W. Bush,

Every single person who makes fun of this President and condems him making him out to be this 'evil' man are SO WRONG it is SCARY. Every single human being who slanders and complains about President Bush, is not only lying to others, but they are robbing themselves of a wonderful awareness and comprehension of just what this President stands for, has done and is still doing for this Country, and even the World. They are cheating themselves of knowing this President for all that he truly is.They use Geroge W. Bush's faith against him. They call his belief in God an 'evil' defect of character. They label his personal spiritual/life experiences as destructive weapons that harm this Nation. And in doing this, they all loose. Each and every one of those misguided, delusional Critics miss out on experiencing the grace and moral integrity that this President has brought into 21st Century American Politics. They loose out on seeing the SOUL of and within this American President and therfore cheapen their own worth as an American.

Bush haters have caused more evil, intensified more defects in more characters, and invoked more destruction and harm on the American people and America, itself, then what ALL of the terrorists put together could have done to us. Those delusional streams of insults and condemnations have also had more influence on the Global community's growing negative perception of America than Chavez, Bin Laden, and every virgin-obsessed jihad psycho, put together could have created.. By their own devices, these bitter Liberals have partially suceeded in doing the exact opposite of what George Bush has been fighting to do everyday; they have DIVIDED; they are the ultimate DIVIDERS.

Their manipulation on the American/Global psyche has tainted and weakened America. George Bush didnt weaken nor did he taint America, the pollution in America called the Left-Wing Emissions are the culprits. Just as the 19th Century Democrats fought and resisted Lincoln's efforts to secure the Union; we see the 21st Century Democrats fighting and resisting Bush's efforts to unite. One of most graceful, honorable, consistent, loving, tolerant, has-an-ability-to-laugh-at-himself, humble, humanitarian-minded, sees-everybody-as-equal, bi-lingual, cooperative, spiritually-driven, Presidents America has ever seen is going highly unnoticed, unrecognized and under-appreciated because a few Left-wing extremists with lots of money and no lives decided that maybe it would be beneficial to the Democratic Party if they used this whole 9/11/ War on Terrorism to twist it to be Bush's evil doing instead of what it actually was; Bush's unchosen Legacy.

The Bourbon Democrats (the big money big wigs of the party) still exist. In the late 1800's the Bourbon Democrats funded the KKK and other anti-Lincoln, anti-Republican groups that could aid them in defaming the Lincoln/Republican position/arguement. Now we see the Bourbon Democrats in 2007, fund, 9/11 conspiratorial groups, Code Pink, battle Bush/Republican position/arguement. Lincoln fought for an end to Slavery, and Bush is fighting for an end to Religious intolerance and extremism. This is emphasized by George W. Bush, himself, when he described Islamic extremists as, "...evil people who hijacked a great Religion." Right before we invaded Afghanistan in 2001, Bush noted for Afghans, "Religion can be practiced only as their leaders dictate...we are all God's children." After defeating the Taliban in Afghanistan, Bush said, "Today, as America wages war against terror, our resolve to defend Religious freedom remains as strong as ever." Both Lincoln and Bush share the mutual desire for freedom and tolerance. And they both share the mutual will and determination to kick ass to achieve those freedoms and clear the path for those tolerances to manifest.

Many forget that President Bush was HANDED this specific Presidential time period's course of events. In their duranged defamation, they have somehow convinced themselves that he CREATED these events. Bitterness and negativity have blinded so many people from seeing straight. The weight of their hatred and judgement has actually disabled their once innate ability to interpret physical reality efficiently.

It seems to me, that it might be well worth our time and energy to remember their is a real MAN who has been serving this Country as our President since 2000. He is a man and more importantly, he is a HUMAN BEING. And if you accept the fact that President George W. Bush is a Human Being, then you have to also accept that he has no special powers or magical God-Like or even Satan-like abilities. If you accept the humanness of this President, then you must accept that he can not create Hurricanes, he has no human capabilties to create an Islamic extremist group that desires the destruction of America, he did not invent long hydrocarbon chains, particularly alkanes, cycloalkanes and aromatics that makes up oil, he can not make water levels rise just enough so that they break levies, he didnt make half of America vote for him TWICE.

And the most important thing to remember is that this human is ONE human, who just so happens to be serving as Our President during this ONE particular slice in time period in American history, cant save us ALL from experiencing ALL of the social ills and realities. President Bush can't save all of us from; death, poverty, crime, drug addiction, taxes, jihad, pain, disease, old age, conflict, injustices, fear, sadness, bruises, debt, out-dated voting methods, discrimination, insecurities, divorce, lack of desire, lack of motivation, lack of goals, the lack of human potential and most of all this ONE HUMAN, who has been elected to serve this Nation as Commander-In-Chief can NOT be everything to everyone all the time. In his own words, "We have serious cracks in our culture that no amount of plaster will fix, unless we shore up our moral foundation. All the laws in the World can not make us love eachother."

Before he was ever President of the United States, he was George W. Bush, the MAN, the FELLOW AMERICAN. Before he was a faithful President, George Bush was a faithful HUSBAND. Before he was Commander-in-Chief of the greatest Nation in the World, he was the greatest DADDY in the World to Jenna and Barbara. Before George W. Bush was a Compassionate Conservative, he was a Compassionate FRIEND. Before George W. Bush was Governor of Texas, he was a 7- year-old little boy, and a big brother to his 3-year-old little sister, Robin. Before George W. Bush had ever stepped foot into the Oval Office, he was a 7-year-old little boy, and a big brother that had to attend his 3-year-old little sister's funeral, after she died from Leukemia. After Robin died, that 7-year-old boy looked at his Daddy and unselfishly said, "Dad, I wish I was Robin."

Every moment after those attacks on September 11. 2001, this Man, this Human, this American President, George W. Bush did the only thing a President could do. RESPOND and RISE to the Call of duty. Since he couldnt just make a new law that would end jihad and Islamic extremism; he was only left then with his Presidential powers, which could be flexed and applied by the rights of the Constitution. As President, his responsibilities and obligations were greater than you or I could ever imagine. This man who happened to be Our Leader during this horrific event, was the face of this wounded Nation, he was this Nations' voice to the World, he was suddenly left the greatest weight that a sitting President could ever endure, and he did the best to his ability, in good faith, with calm resolve along with a swift, collective conscience behind him.

No one likes to be that guy who has to lead, carry and be the main face that has to leap first into that unknown, ultimately attracting the Public to focus on only HIS face. And we all know very well that even in football, the Quarter Back can get the bad review and recieve the most public scrutiny, when everyone knows darn well, that the teams defects weren't just the results of a bad Quarter Back. Since the Quarter Back is the first one to get the ball thrown TO him, it is no wonder why the Quarter Back is percieved as the lead role. Once that ball first hits the QB hands, the QB must then look out into a field of players and discern where he is to throw that ball to next. Whoever the QB chooses to recieve his pass, can ultimately make or break it for the rest of the team. If the Defense doesnt give the Quarter Back suffiecient coverage, that Quarter Back has a much higher chance of falling before he even gets the chance to pass that ball along to the next team member, and then the desired goal gets stifled.

President Bush is like a Quarter Back. He had the ball thrown to him, he quickly scanned the playing field, he used discernment, he swiftly made adjustments,he aimed and then he threw the ball. I would have to say he ran the team down the field for two touchdowns, during his teams' first two possessions. He destroyed the Taliban in Afghanistan, then he took down Saddam. Just recently in the the 7th quarter of the game, North Korea finally agreed to disarm and disable their nuclear program; touchdown. Maybe its just me, but I think this guy has some great game.

I couldn't help myself. President Bush is the first American President, since Ronald Reagan that inspires me. This President deserves our respect, and our prayers..and if your an Atheist, replace prayers with 'good thoughts'. He is leading our Nation, whether you like it or not. He has had more unpredictable catastrophic events take place during the last 7 years of his Presidency, its a wonder how much grace, humility and calm resolve he has managed to retain through all of it. He still laughs at himself, he still has the ability to keep his head up, and stay determined. And really, President Bush DOES have ONE secret Magical power, George W. Bush's only magical power is his FAITH.

Thank you George W. Bush for serving my Country as President. I love you for the great man you are, and I love what you have brought to this Presidency. You have had to do things I cant imagine having to even contimplate, let alone do. You have had to face such adversity, that I dont think even Superman could have stayed sane, let alone still intact with Faith after all this. You are in my prayers, and I just wanted to let you know I appreciate how much you have had to carry and confront for all of us.


Monday, September 3, 2007

A Political Sage Investigative Report:

Russia and the United States: Building Tensions


To be honest, I really dont know what to think about this story. Russian Federal Customs apparently deems it signifigant to reopen a 10 year old U.S/Russian money laundering case.

Back in 1998, The Bank of New York got caught in a money laundering scandel. Federal agents were tipped off in August 1998 that unusually large amounts of money were zooming through the bank from Russian sources.

CNN reported in August 1999 right after the Bank of New York scandal story broke, "...allegations arose that a Russian crime syndicate had laundered some $10 billion - possibly funds diverted from International Monetary Fund payments - through accounts at the Bank of New York (BK) and Republic National Bank (RNB).
(This Entire article can be viewed at:

Its also good to throw in that back in 2005/2006, former Bank of New York's vice president and her husband were sentenced to six months home confinement after admitting to involvement in a $7 billion Russian money-laundering conspiracy. Six months HOME CONFINEMENT for Russian money laundering involvement?? That seems odd. However that is just ONE of the ODD details to this 10 year old story.

The latest chapter to this odd financial corruption story should have Americans raising a lot of red flags. It is not only unusual timing by Russia, but the lawsuit, itself, against this American Bank, years after the case had been settled, should also be seen as a suspicious move. “In Russia today, no serious deal can be made without approval from the Kremlin,” said Irina Yasina, a researcher at the Institute for the Economy in Transition, a research group led by a former prime minister, Yegor Gaidar.

No major deals without approval from the Kremlin? And who is the Kremlin king? Well, none other than our ex-KGB boy, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Which has me very curious of what his role has been in this lawsuit against Americas' oldest financial institution.

This lawsuit along with all the other eerie stories coming out of Russia lately, should all be seriously acknowledged. I dont claim to know exactly what all this wacky Russian activity is leading to or even hinting at. But I do claim to know that Russia's recent acts, decisions and secret mergence with China aren't the types of news stories that usually come from Democratic Countries and U.S allies.

Let us keep in mind, that we had one U.N. bioterrorism expert announce in 2005 that Russia has been Iraq's "main supplier of the materials and know-how to weaponize anthrax, botulism and smallpox."

Also, It is a FACT that Saddam Hussein rose to power backed by Russian weapons and Russian money. Saddam was in debt to Moscow for over $8 billion for the arms he purchased from Russia when he was captured by U.S. forces.

The historical fact of the matter is that Iraq was a Soviet client state and Russia held a multi-billion-dollar debt and economic interests in Iraq, including contracts to develop the giant West Qurna oil field and other economic projects.

All these little Russian details that seem to be completely OVER-LOOKED by the American media, need to be brought under the microscope and demands more American alertness. We need to stop being naive and only reading American/Local Newspapers, watching only CNN, CBS or MSNBC and just automatically assuming what the American media reports is the ONLY news worthy stories that exist.

This is one of the great technological assests and gifts that the WORLD WIDE Web has offered us; a ticket to anywhere at anytime with just one click of the 'mouse'. Use the Internet to read BBC(The UK News Service) , or go to, and read the newspaper in Russia. All the pieces are here for us, however the "CONVIENCE" of these news stories may not be that easily accessed, in lieu of the great American tradgedy; LAZYISM.

I prefer to know more, and I also choose to look deeper into the vague, surface level news flashes that we are so bombarded with. So, as my loyal and dedicated service to myself first, by default, this service extends to all of you; because once I learn something I cant keep it to myself. I have always been this way.

So here is another imperative piece to this eerie Russian puzzle.



Russia sues Bank of New York

Thursday May 17th, 2007 / 22h03

Russia's federal customs service said on Thursday it had sued Bank of New York Co. and was seeking $22.5 billion in damages related to alleged money laundering in the late 1990s.

From 1996 to 1999, bank employees helped to create a "system through which conditions were made for companies and Russian banks to not make the proper payments, thus inflicting a loss against the Russian Federation," Maxim Smal, a lawyer who said he works on behalf of the Russian agency, said in a telephone interview.

Andrey Strukov, head of the customs service's legal department, said in an e-mail that the Federal Customs Service was filing the lawsuit against the bank for damages against the Russian Federation.
Bank of New York shares fell as much as 4.9 percent early on Thursday before closing down 1.1 percent.

Shares of Mellon Financial Corp. , which the bank agreed to buy in December for $16.5 billion, fell as much as 2.2 percent but closed 0.7 percent higher.

The lawsuit follows Bank of New York's agreement in November 2005 to pay $38 million to settle two U.S. criminal investigations, including a probe into an alleged money-laundering conspiracy that investigators said moved billions of dollars through the bank's accounts.

Prosecutors said the bank "admitted its criminal conduct," and agreed to pay $26 million to the government and $12 million to other banks that lost money.

Bank of New York said in a statement on Thursday that it had not seen the Russian agency's complaint, but that any such lawsuit would be "totally without merit, if not frivolous."

It also said lawyers purporting to represent the agency had offered to settle for "a tiny fraction of the amount now claimed. Events related to the lawsuit occurred more than ten years ago and were previously resolved by the company."

Some analysts downplayed the lawsuit's significance.
"Although we can't completely ignore the potential ... for some type of financial responsibility to Bank of New York, on the surface, we believe the stock move is overdone on the downside," Banc of America Securities analyst Kenneth Usdin wrote in a research report. He rates Bank of New York "buy."

The U.S. money laundering probe began in 1998 and concerned accounts once controlled by Lucy Edwards, a former vice president in the bank's Eastern European division, and her husband Peter Berlin, as well as others.
In 2000, Edwards and Berlin pleaded guilty to being part of a conspiracy to move $7 billion through Bank of New York accounts, and to helping two Russian banks conduct illegal activities in the United States.
A federal judge sentenced the couple last July to six months home confinement and ordered them to pay $725,000 in restitution and fines.
The merger of Bank of New York and Pittsburgh-based Mellon is scheduled to close around July 1, creating the world's largest custody bank and one of its largest asset managers.

Founded in 1784 by Alexander Hamilton, the first U.S. Treasury Secretary, Bank of New York sold its bank branches in October.
Bank of New York shares closed down 46 cents at $40.75, after falling earlier to $39.19. Mellon shares closed up 3 cents at $43.75, after earlier falling to $42.76.

(Additional reporting by Guy Faulconbridge in Moscow)
By Tatyana Ustinova and Jonathan Stempel


Dear Republican Party,

It is time to Re-RIGHT this Party by;
Re-discovering Our Republican Roots

Yours Truly,
The Political Sage


Ignorance IS NOT bliss.

In a Democracy; we have the full capability, right and responsability to be informed.

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ASSUME TO NEVER FIND Political Correctness.



Saving your ass whether you BELIEVE it or NOT!