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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Much to do about Nothing: Election 2008

Everytime I watch Obama speak--I wish he would just change his platform from Liberal nothingness to Conservative somethingness--because the man knows how to get the crowd & rally the crowd---

Partisan Politics aside, Obama has that 'aura' of hypnotic leadership and the symbolism of change is Obama's greatest tool--

Newt Gingrich was just on FOX News -and what he said is imperative--to paraphrase what Newt said, [ ...this 2008 election will be more about the nuance of change that a candidate can bring about-rather than ANY ideology--and McCain(if chosen as the GOP nominee) will need to make himself more than just the 'average' Republican to be able to even compete against an Obama type...]

Personally---this is why I really like Mike Huckabee--he could actually compete with that nuance of change. For starters-he does come off as a -not-so-average republican, and also has the same non-partisan message that Obama has. And I hate to say it-- if Newt is right-- the GOP really only has 2 choices of someone who could represent that change is either Huckabee or Ron Paul--crazy but this is the reality we find find ourselves within right now.

If we REALLY want to win--this Party REALLY needs to get past its own hang-ups and possibly set aside some of our locked in ideas of what Conservatism meant, means or should mean--and save this Country from Hellary or Obama--because no matter how much Obama makes people feel all fluffy inside ---his policies won't if he gets to be this Nation's Commander-in-Chief.

God Bless us all...

A Champion Conservative Am I!

The Political Sage has just been offically inducted into the Political Blog Hall of Fame, which names The Politcial Sage in and amoung an elite list of the "Best Conservative Blogs on the Internet... " by none other than the high ranking website: !!!!!!!!!!!

Click this link to see:

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Political Sage Prediction...

Huckabee is NOT going away---
And the grassroots Conservatives and Republicans who fight for Huck are also not going away---The Hucka-end is FAAAAAAAR from near!

MAIN PREDICTION:Mike Huckabee is making an imprint that will outlive any Presidential race---whether Huck ends up as the GOP Nominee or not, becomes President or not--MARK MY WORDS, the groundwork and charge that Huck is igniting will be the seeds for the emerging and evolving Republican base and platform that will eventually manifest. (And we see this now in the form of conflict and friction)And this GOP forecast will also include the merging and re-intergration of the original base of the Grand Old Party---Huck is one key player in these upcoming revolutions in the GOP, but note and be prepared for many many more keynote groups, and individuals to emerge during this GOP rEvolution---

Think of all the current conflict and uncertainty as the beginnings of the final clarity:
The Grand OLD-NEW Party

Don't get it?

You will.

Yours Truly,The Political Sage

Monday, February 4, 2008

How to Respond to Ann Coulter (If You Must); ~And Believe you, Me; I MUST!~

Rule #5: “Never Compliment a Democrat”
Rule #7: "Neve flatter a Democrat"
Rule # 8: “Never succumb to Liberal bribery”
(From the New York Times bestseller; “How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)”; By: Ann Coulter)
As an Elephant can have Self-awareness, so can you, Ms. Coulter!
Before you even think about redeeming yourself, Ann --you should wash your mouth out with soap & maybe go back and read your own literary suggestions. If you stand by your declaration and proposed support for Hillary (if McCain gets the GOP Nomination) --then Ms. Coulter, I ask you today to step down and remove yourself from any attachments of the Republican Party. Because supporting Socialism and pro-curruption amidst this VERY signifigant time in American history, is a sheer travesty, to say the least.
I am not going to vote John McCain in the Primaries tomorrow, HOWEVER--I will not even think to justify an idea that if my guy doesn;t get the GOP nomination that I will throw my hands up and SURRENDER to the Socialist Democratic Party in any way-EVER! Which reminds me of Ann Coulter's 1st Rule of how to deal with a Liberal, which states "Don't surrender out of the gate."
There will NEVER come a moment for me where segments and fractions of the whole will persuade me to change and align with a whole new map---
In other words, first and foremost I am a Republican---secondly I am my OWN Conservative thinker--and last but not least & thirdly, -I make my own choices. This means all Republicans can and WILL choose different canindates to be their GOP hero! So what. I like Huckabee--you may like Romney, you like Ron Paul, and you are behind McCain---so what! This is the very essence of true Conservatism ---Individuality---we do NOT conform on robotic premises to gain power, we gain our power by uniting on the basis of individual accountabilty.
And the powers we seek are very different--we seek liberty, freedoms and equality for all to have those opportnites to prosper themselves----
I will vote for Huckabee tomorrow--but if our GOP political nominee ends being Mitt Romney, John McCain, or yes even Ron Paul --I will support that man with all my might----I will fight my hardest to make sure this November election brings & maintains a Republican as Our Commandor in Chief---this Party can transform and evolve and re-unite as we go---but fail we can not.
Ann--you may need to re-focus and re-prioritize your political needs and where-abouts--


Dear Republican Party,

It is time to Re-RIGHT this Party by;
Re-discovering Our Republican Roots

Yours Truly,
The Political Sage


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