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The Political Sage Headline Animator

Friday, January 11, 2008


The Reemergence of
~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
It would just be naive and just plain impossible (if you are paying close attention) to overlook the emerging shift in regards to what the average American demands from a candidate.
And the fact of the matter is...the "Average" American demands a candidate they can TRUST, UNDERSTAND, BELIEVE, and LIKE.

Another matter of fact is that the "Average" voting American would rather see a leader that can work with both sides of the aisle. Just because we Conservatives sit around and communicate our strong political ideals to one another and listen to people like Rush, Sean, Ann, etc... for our mental sanity --doesn't mean that the majority of "Average" Americans subscribe to those same strict ideologies that we do. And you can bet that those "Average" Americans that make up the Majority of the voters in this Country surely don't call on those strict, radio-rhetoric Conservatism as the basis for what political candidate best fits with their needs/desires/hopes as "Average" Americans.

Even Sean Hannity stated a few months back on his Radio program that he would much rather prefer to label himself as an "Independent Conservative", rather than how he had normally been branding himself as a "Republican". His justifications behind his new political label were because he finally got so fed up, as did so many other "true" Conservatives, with the representation, or better yet, LACK of representation that was and has been coming from Congressional Republicans and the beltway lately.

...And this is one of the best explanations behind why we see such a confused, divided and UN-unified Republican Party today...and this unstabelized Republican Party couldn't be better seen than among and in this current group of GOP Presidential candidates.

And so it is.... we all want another Ronald Reagan to show up, we fantasize the emergence of a strong Republican figure like Newt Gingrich who helped the Republicans take back the Majority in the House and Senate after a 40 year stint. We all waited and imagined ...and now we are all asking our GOP contenders to answer for that, as we saw tonight in the GOP South Carolina Primary debate.

The question posed to all the candidates had to do with what happened to Reagan legacy and how each of them could best repeat that legacy.

So, why are we not looking for the return of Abe Lincoln in 2008? I mean honestly, the Lincoln legacy is what MADE The Republican Party. And the fact of the matter is; the ingredients that made up the Abe Lincoln Republican Party just may be more of a desirable dish that we "true" Republicans and Conservatives should really be aiming and striving to cook up in our Presidential GOP Candidate. Having said this, I must admit, it is pretty moronic to spend to tooooo much talking about the legacies of this Party's Greats.

Instead, a much more viable concept might be to invent a new more IMPROVED and UPDATED leader to represent The Republican Party of TODAY. Why not take this Party's core foundational ORIGINS and use that to work in our favor. Actually, I think it is just plain idiotic that we don't use our founding Republican principles and passionate convictions more as a means to invite more "average" Americans into the Party?!

Here is the bigger question...Which one of the current GOP Presidential Candidates can we honestly say is attracting more "average" Americans then ever before???

Mike Huckabee.

This is not an endorsement. This is also not in anyway some subconscious persuasive ploy to get people in his camp. This is an well-informed observation based on the messages I have heard/seen via various polls, media trends, along with Huckabee's unique track record and the way he communicates his positions, ideologies and political proposals.

As one Republican strategist said Monday, Huckabee is "as unconventional to the Reagan coalition on those issues as some of the other candidates are on social issues." That's exactly what I meant by "invent" a new Great for this Party.

And right now, modern times calls for this Republican Party to invite those who once dominated this Party's member base back; African Americans.

In 1998, elected to his first term as governor of Arkansas, Huckabee received 48 percent of the African-American vote, according to a CNN exit poll. In 2002, Mike also received 43 percent of the African American vote, despite the fact that former President Clinton campaigned in Arkansas five times for Huckabee's opponent.
Just for one moment, let me repeat and expand to what I said about using the origins of this Party to work to our advantage.
Here is something for all you Republicans to sit and meditate on:
~~~~The origin of the Republican Party is ultimately what led to freeing the slaves, unifying this Nation, and introducing desegregation into Legislative and Constitutional actuality.~~~~~~~~

And so it is...The Republican Party was once all to well known for being the Party "For the People". Republicans were mostly made up of Blacks and whites who were anti-slavery activists. Republicans were the first to introduce anti-segregation legislation...long before the 1964 Civil Rights Act which now is seen as JFK's astonishing achievement. No offense to JFK, but The Republicans who had the majority in the House in the 1860's passed the first Civil Rights laws.

Unfortunately, the Democrats regained control of Congress in 1892, and passed the Repeal Act of 1894 that repealed portions of laws designed to help African Americans. With that all being said, I invite you to see where our Republican priorities SHOULD be today.

There is a ironic, yet meaningfully REAL metaphor that has emerged from some recent statements uttered by conservative black leaders in recent years which refers to the Democrats' stronghold they have on the African American voters; "Black Americans are still trying to be free, only this time we are trying to save them from the LIBERAL plantation."

What one is likely to find after having had conducted some thorough study of the history of The Republican Party is that we should not just be praying for the ghost of Reagan to reincarnate in 2008, but to also maybe be meditating on the SPIRIT of Abe Lincoln and the original CONCEPTS & PASSIONATE PRINCIPLES that were created by those two anti-slavery activists who FORMED The Republican Party that one cold eve in Wisconsin in 1854.
Now, the argument from Democrats and Liberals alike is that the Republican Party USED to be the Party that was more likely to attract Blacks, but the Republican Party of today is not the same Party. They will argue that the present day Republicans have lost that humanity and compassion, and have resorted mainly to Capital gains and getting rich, staying rich and stepping on anyone who isn't rich to get richer.


Our principles have stayed true over the years, however, with critical influences such as Barry Goldwater, FDR and JFK's Civil Rights position; Republicans have become to be THOUGHT of as the elitist Party, while Democrats, unfairly mind you, take all credit for desegration legislation and welfare and social program creations. And that is how the transformation evolved into what we witness in today's stereotypes that overshadow The TRUE Republican.

The creation of Social programs in the 1960's appealed predominately to Blacks, since they were more likely to be struggling economically, having recently JUST gained equal rights and protections that the white Americans had well before. This appealed to the idea for minorities at the time as a way to "catch up", if you will to the white American.

However, it is imperative that we understand that the profile of f just WHO struggles economically in this Country has changed. And this is now also WHO Republicans must work harder to appeal to; the poverty stricken black AND WHITE Americans. Republicans of today must win back the support of who and just what this Party was founded for; minorities.

Hope is what lives inside of us; Opportunity is what is granted to this Nation via the Freedoms that our Constitution promises each and every one of us. And this is exactly why the very first Republicans fought SO hard and even DIED just so that African Americans could enjoy those same OPPORTUNITIES that the Founding Fathers bestowed onto ALL the citizens of this Great Nation, which ultimately instilled the very first seed of HOPE for all Americans.

So, let's be clear; the Political Paradigm is shifting in this Country. And the INACCURATE stereotypes that have plagued the Republicans since 1964 have created too much distance between The Republican Party and the "Average" American. Since we all know that is has been the Democrats that have been monopolizing on this misunderstood Republican/Goldwater platform since 1964, it is in our best interest as "true" Republicans to REVIVE the ORIGINS of what this Party REALLY stands for; which is Economic opportunity for ALL Americans; Freedom, for ALL Americans and EQUAL treatment for ALL Americans.

And let us not confuse these three simple Republican Party beliefs with Liberal victim-based control programs. Those three original primary principles don't support a fear-based ideology that aims to give undeserved consideration or victim-based hand-outs to some, while quilting and creating consequences for others, just because of what one has achieved economically because of that ..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 />OPPORTUNITY. The Reality of opportunity is really what even makes HOPE a possibility.

And we WILL NOT do this by limiting our political dialogue and public approaches that ignore social justice issues. We WILL NOT do this by condemning fellow Republicans who seek to offer compassionate messages that actually address social ills and issues that the "average" American is concerned with. The Democrats will keep tricking those with lower income and those who are considered to be 'minorities' as long as we Republicans refuse to change our dialogue. When Rush, Ann, and some other of our Conservative public mouth-pieces criticize Mike Huckabee for "sounding liberal", just because he talks about how healthcare in a 'compassionate' manner is just pure STUPIDITY. It's what draws the line in the sand between the Republican Party that wants to stay distant from the "average" American and the TRUE Republican Party who IS the "AVERAGE" American.

Get with the program. If Republicans want to win this Presidential election, we need to get our priorities straight --real quick. This is not a time to analyze who SOUNDS more Conservative, or obsess over how "liberal" the message sounded; this is a unique and historical opportunity to revive the Republican Party and RE-invite some of our once greatest kin back.

It's funny that it is taking a candidate like Mike Huckabee to make this internal debate and conflict surface for us. But this conflict Huckabee is stirring among Conservatives and Republicans is a blessing in disguise; mark my words. This conversation we are beginning to engage in and with one another may just be what reframes and packages this Party, so it can once again attract those who have been captured by the "Stay a victim" Democratic Party for WAY TOOOO LONG.

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Dear Republican Party,

It is time to Re-RIGHT this Party by;
Re-discovering Our Republican Roots

Yours Truly,
The Political Sage


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