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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Double Standard Dilemma:
Diagnosing the Liberal History Deficit Disorder (LHDD)
By: Tracy Phernetton

I have come to the conclusion that the The ‘double standards’ that seem to be so common in partisan politics is a disorder. The constant stabs at Republicans by the Democrats and Liberals have always been an insane attempt to portray the Republicans as this elite group of individuals that are just a bunch of white, rich, greedy, prejudiced, racist and insensitive bible-thumpers. It’s true! The Democratic Party has been trying to take down the Republican Party since the days of Lincoln. You see it today when you watch the political talk shows, and listen to the different politicians from the Left that insist on discredit and defacing the Republican Party and it's TRUE platform. Democrats put down and smear Republicans and Conservatives at any opportunity they get. Yet, the Democratic approach to creating their image is founded in a Liberal mental disorder which I have recently diagnosed as Liberal History Deficit Disorder (LHDD).

Let me paint you a better picture of this angry, bitter disorder that seems to appear in so many Liberals around the Country. For instance, let’s just start with Senator Robert Byrd (D) from West Virginia. He is a known segregationist and is well remembered among his peers for his community activism as a proud member of the Klux Klux Klan organization. But who talks about that? Is Al Sharpton calling for his resignation? No, I guess serving a 110 years in the congress and using the "N" word regularly, is acceptable to Sharpton. Instead, we talk about President George W. Bush’s hatred of black people and how Bush deliberately caused Hurricane Katrina so he could wipe out the Black people in New Orleans is more of a red flag for Al.

Another great example of this ‘double standard’ problem is seen everyday in our very transparent and amnesiac liberal media. All’s we hear about are the constant criticisms of President Bush. From Michael Moore’s conspiracy theories that oil and money is the Bush administrations’ only motive in the decision to invade Iraq, to the Nancy Pelosi battle yell to the President telling him to, “Calm down…there’s a new congress in town.” It must take a lot of energy to be that angry and antagonistic all the time. History and the facts must be a Liberal’s biggest fear. Why? Because, the facts always seem to contradict their endless attempts to rewrite history, to make themselves look better.

Let us take a trip back to the year 1998. President Clinton ordered an attack on Iraq stating, “Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons.” He goes on to say, “…Prior to the inspection of another site, Iraq actually emptied out the building, removing not just documents but even the furniture and the equipment.” Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Ironically this move by President Clinton came on the eve of his impeachment by the House of Representatives.

Was Clinton's’ bombing parade a “Wag the Dog” situation? Maybe, maybe not. The more important point of the whole rare move by Clinton is found in his public announcement and appeal he laid out as his justification for the attack. And of course, today we only hear about the Left’s protest and dismissal of the nuclear weapons argument that Bush and his administration supposedly “conjured” up. And even more stunning are the insistent accusations against President Bush claiming that he “lied” about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Wouldn’t it be only fair then to say that President Clinton also “lied”? This media memory loss madness is really dangerous to the American psyche. It is also dreadfully irresponsible of the American media to exclude imperative information like this, because it is, in a sense, telling us that historical facts do not matter anymore.

And it is so, the Democratic battle cry marches on; “Bush lied; People died!” Where is the integrity? I got a better catch phrase, and a great idea for a bumper sticker to put on my SUV; "Clinton Lied, Monica Cried; People Died!" Where is the consistency? Why is it that so many liberals seem to be infected with the Selective Memory Syndrome? Or is it in there donkey blood to ignore historical facts, and rewrite it as it fits for them. (“Fitting” to them means; anything that could possibly destroy a Republican fits). Whatever their dilemma may be, is unknown to me. I just know the Liberal History Deficit Disorder (LHDD) truly exists and seems to be contagious and hard to contain. This leads me to believe that where the principles of consistency, integrity and truth are found; No Liberal will be in sight.

© Tracy Phernetton 2007

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Yours Truly,
The Political Sage


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