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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Rewriting History

Civil Rights and the Democratic Hallucination

By: Tracy Phernetton

Thank God for John F. Kennedy, the Democratic Catholic with the good looks and charm! Who knows what the Blacks in America would have done without him! John F Kennedy is remembered as the President who ended segregation in schools and gave blacks the right to vote. President Kennedy’s relationship with Blacks is seen as historical; however history often tends to be rewritten, reedited and reinterpreted over time. Specifically, the memory of the first civil rights legislation since Reconstruction proposed by Republican President, Dwight Eisenhower in 1957 failed thanks to the Democrats in congress who passionately voted against it. Among the Pro-segregationist Democratic “nay” dissenters who blocked Eisenhower’s anti-segregationist efforts on the highly overlooked 1957civil rights proposal included none other than the young Senator from Massachusetts, John F. Kennedy Jr. Can we hear an, “Amen,” for JFK?

Conversely, I’m not about to waste any more time on John F. Kennedy and his appalling “nay” vote. Why would I, when I could be spending that invaluable time and energy on so many other pro-lynching, pro-slavery segregationists? That would be unfair to you and highly unfair and rather discriminatory to people like Sen. Robert Byrd, J. William Fulbright, and Albert Gore Sr., who really deserve my time and energy regarding this discussion. I can honestly say that John F. Kennedy’s 1957 “nay” vote will seem well-mannered compared to all the other racist Democrats and Dixiecrats who did so much more for the cause of preserving legalized racism and promoting segregation. The quantity of racist bigots (A.K.A: The Democratic Party) is terribly vast and bottomless, so we should probably get busy.

1866; can I get an, “Amen?” The real “Thank God’s” should be used for all the events that took place thanks to the Republicans that controlled the congress in 1866. Why? Because only one year after the “Great Emancipator,” and one of America’s best Presidents was asasignated, and the 13th Amendment was ratified, which ended slavery; Democratic Andrew Johnson became President. After all that progress, the Democrats had to find some territory to pee on, I guess. President Johnson vetoed every piece of anti-segregation legislation brought to him from the Republican controlled congress. “Thank God” for the two-thirds majority rule! 1866 offered the newly formed Union a new type of leader, one that would eventually go down in history as one of the worst Presidents of our American history. President Johnson could be called the “Great Racist Illiterator.” Yes, my liberal friends, The 17th President of this wonderful Nation was an illiterate, pro-segregationist, pro-slavery, slave owning Democrat. And its funny to note that America’s best President was a anti-segregationist, anti-slavery, never owned a slave in his life and found the whole idea of racial inequality quite peculiar, Republican. Just for the sake of marinating, let me repeat that again, so it’s sure to sink in: AMERICA’S BEST PRESIDENT WAS AN ANTI-SEGREGATIONIST, ANTI-SLAVERY REPUBLICAN, and AMERICA’S WORST PRESIDENT WAS AN ILLETERATE, PRO-SEGREGATIONIST, PRO-SLAVERY, SLAVE OWNING, DEMOCRAT. Ahhhhh, juicy, isn’t it? “Thank God” for the first Republican president; can I get an Amen? AMEN!

Out of all the years in American history one could choose that would paint the best picture of how devastating it can be when Democrats are allowed to control any aspect of the Government; the prize would have to go to the year of 1866. There might be a tie for that prize that would go to the Democratic Party in 1865 however; it may be questionable since I did say that it was devastating when any aspect Government was allowed to be controlled by Democrats. The other nominee fulfills the “any” requirement since it was the ‘big business’ wing of the Democratic Party (which I guess could be linked to the Government) started and funded the infamous organization, “The Klux Klux Klan.” The guideline requirement of “allowed” is however, questionable, since the hateful, violent, racist organizations’ creation was not voted on.

The 18th Presidency was obtained “thank God,” by a Republican. President Ulysses S. Grant and a Republican controlled congress easily passed the 15th Amendment­ which prohibited any state from denying a citizen the right to vote because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. In 1872, Grant won a second term and was accused by the Democrat-led hate group called the “White LeagueĆ­s” of “stealing the election.” (Sound familiar?). Despite the Democratic crusade against what they called the “Republican Radicals,” (Radical to the lofty Democrats meant anti-racist, pro civil/equal rights supporters. Those crazy Republicans!) Grant and the Republicans also pushed through the other highly overlooked legislation; the Civil Rights Act of 1875, which ­states that no citizen can be denied the equal use of public facilities such as inns, restaurants, etc… on the basis of color.

Hmmm, what happened? Why the eighty-nine year break from racial equality and desegregation? The Democrats happened. And the Redeemers happened. The Redeemers were another pro-business wing of the Democratic Party that branched off and formed for the sole purpose of removing those crazy “black-loving” Republicans from office and redeeming the Nation of its “sins.” I guess one could say that all this civil rights mumbo jumbo was a little to much for those white supremacist Democrats. It was just way too much for their race obsessed primitive minds, I guess. Or maybe they thought when the time was right and they were grown up enough and ready to accept the fact that blacks are people too, they might reconsider.

The fact of the matter is this: In 1963, John F. Kennedy had a change of heart since his stance against Civil Rights in 1957. President Kennedy decided along with the Minority Republicans that another shot at racial equality might be clever. I can give President Kennedy a high five I suppose for being the very first Democrat in government to finally grow up and let go of their fears that drinking out of the same water fountain as a black person might make them black too, or whatever their phobia is about. I’m still not sold on the whole “thank God,” for JFK, what would the blacks do if JFK hadn’t strolled into the Whitehouse crap. From my point of view, it is a nice gesture from a Democrat after so many years of such an oppressive, white supremacist, lynching mentality that the Democratic Party stood for. The filibusters from the Racist Democrats, the coup d’etat’s the Democrats started, organized and funded all created in the name to combat the Republicans and blacks that threatened their segregated livelihood.

Thanks President Kennedy…I guess. Better late than never, I suppose. That seems to be the mantra of the Democratic legacy; the later the better. You got to hand it to them Liberals, the later the better strategy they operate on seems to position themselves on issues that make it seem that it was actually their idea in the first place. That is of course the idea has become “popular.” Of course they use a reverse strategy when they want to distance themselves from their past doings, if they become “unpopular.” President Clinton showed us this reverse distancing strategy during his “high scale,” bombing escapade on Saddam’s “weapons of mass destruction” back in 1999, just hours before the Congress was going to vote to impeach him.(How convenient!) He had the right idea, with the wrong motive; therefore he balked when his approval ratings seem to dip. Now with the twist of Democratic ideological imbalances and immoral motives, these Democrats have people looking at our current President as an Oil-greedy, war loving, stubborn psycho, when in fact President Bush is just finishing a job that President Clinton couldn’t hack. Maybe Clinton should have sought for some war tips from his mentor/friend and known segregationist friend, J William Fulbright.

Aw well, if a Democrat ever finds him/herself out of a job, he/she should feel comfort in knowing that he/she could always make a successful career in rewriting history. Rewriting history is the only way that they can keep trying to convince themselves that the Democratic Party is the party for the Black people. (Shhh: let’s not tell them that History has already been written. Besides, it keeps them busy, and it will keep conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and aspiring Rush Limbaugh’s, like me employed.) AMEN!

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Yours Truly,
The Political Sage


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