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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

"Mr Reid Goes to Washington"

A Production by:

The Democratic Military Strategy Theatre Group:

Starring: Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, Dick Durbin & Co.

Once again, I am moved to pursue the facts. I always find comfort in historical records. Some days are harder than the others, I guess. Being the news junkie that I am, I am fully aware that the “harder” moments are completely my fault. My daily ambiance consists of my computer, C-SPAN on in the living room, FOX news back in my bedroom, all while the voices of Sean or Rush gleam out of my radio. (Al Gore would despise me!) However, even for an obsessive compulsive truth seeker like me, annoyance and bubbling agitation can sometimes set in. And the straw that always seems to break the camels’ back (Is it still ok to use that phrase?) is when I happen to catch those little “top-of-the-hour” news clips with recorded audio from Harry Reid or read quotes from Nancy Pelosi, and then catch a glance of some “Democratic Strategist” churning out their Liberal take on the latest “issue.” And then, I have a moment of temporary insanity and scream at all of my appliances! But eventually, I calm down and recognize that God put The Political Sage on this Earth to seek, find and report Truth, and then I resort back into my comfy, little safe haven which is found in History and Facty-tale land.

This article is inspired by the wonderful quote I heard from Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) yesterday, “This week we’ll make Republicans answer for their refusal to allow an up or down vote on the most important issue facing our country today,” Mr. Reid said. “We’re going to work today. We’re going to work tomorrow and work tomorrow night. We’re going to continue working on this until we get a vote on this amendment.” Of course, if you haven’t heard yet, the Democratic dingbats in the Senate are held an “all-nighter,” in the efforts to get those darn Republicans to explain themselves to the American people. Mr. Reid and his little intelligence committee in his head claims, “…they are protecting the President rather than protecting our troops.” No, Mr. Reid, I think that is called “supporting,” our President rather than “protecting,” him! And I like his play on words, “the President,” and, “our troops.” Sorry Mr. Reid. If I were you, I would have constructed that statement this way, “they are supporting our President and protecting our troops.” In other words, Harry, that’s what some of us like to call, being an American!

So here I am again, on another rampage. The Political Sage will not rest until the Loony Left is silenced. And, this time I was moved to investigate U.S Troops and their history of staying positioned in areas of “need” after a conflict. So, what exactly is our definition of “need,” anyways? Well, Six decades later we are still in Germany, Japan, Italy and many other countries as a result of World War II. That obviously means that someone should be “protecting” President Roosevelt, because 60 years is a long time to keep U.S troops in a region, wouldn’t you say?? The “need” of keeping U.S troops’ present in post-WII Regions is not seen as a conspiracy is it?? I think if you ask any Historian or Military official why they believe there is a “need” for U.S Troops in those regions, they just might give you a simple answer; Democracy.

But of course, we are dealing with a Democratic Majority in Congress today, and we all know that to them a, “78-day war,” consisting of dropping cluster bombs into marketplaces, hospitals, and other civilian areas, that kills 2,000 civilians is a much better Defense strategy. Did we already forget about President Clintons’ surge in Kosovo?? 2, 000 civilian causalities in 78 days seems pretty disgraceful compared to the numbers of casualties that have occurred over the last 6 years!! Liberalism rationality says that killing is ok, as long as it is done “quickly and “easily.” Just take a look at their positions on Abortions, Government “hand-outs” and Military strategies. The Democrats in this country, along with their faithful Left-Wing “Activists” are proven to be much more deadly and threatening than any other “whoever” or “whatever” they choose to accuse.

So Senator Reid’s “all-nighter” proved to be a great big slumber party, with the Republicans sleeping and talking amongst themselves, while Senators, Dick Durbin, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden all take turns playing “Jefferson Smith,” from the 1939 movie, "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” Maybe Hillary will even whip out a great voice impression of Jimmy Stewart, since we all know just how skilled she is in doing impressions! But in this case, I don’t think Hillary, Dick and Harry will be reading from the Constitution like Mr. Smith did. In this screenplay they will most likely be reading from the 1992 Noam Chomsky and David Barsamian book titled, “Chronicles of Dissent.” That is sure to keep the republicans amused!

Let me close by offering a handshake to Senator Harry Reid and Senator Hillary Clinton for pretending to care about Human life. I hate war too, and I also hate having to fight people who insist on seeing people like you and I blow up into little tiny pieces. Your effort to show human kindness and attain a Political facelift is cute compared to your heartless whines to defend the slaughtering of babies and the killing of human dignity every time you cry for more money to give people who maybe could get it themselves if you allowed them to. So with that said, I will leave with a complimentary reminder of 1990’s history:

Number of military deaths during the Clinton administration:

1,245 in 1993;
1,109 in 1994;
1,055 in 1995;
+ 1,008 in 1996.
= 4,417 “Peacetime” Deaths

(Will someone get a calculator and a calendar to the Senate floor, pronto?!)

For more Information Go To:

© Tracy Phernetton 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.


Dear Republican Party,

It is time to Re-RIGHT this Party by;
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Yours Truly,
The Political Sage


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